Tuesday, 21 May 2013

God's tears

If I shed a tear for those hurt, lost and grieving due to the 'worse than May 3' tornado in Oklahoma then what is God doing?
Some would say He is crying too. Others might say 'oh that's the punishment they get for...', and another might say that there isn't a God, we have brought this on ourselves with greenhouse gases and carbon emissions etc.
I'm not saying that greenies are non christian. So please don't  go there..
I am saying that there is a God, My GOD, YOUR GOD, THE GOD and He is open armed waiting to receive those who lost their earthly lives. Guess what He is also open armed ready to embrace everyone on this planet, those in shock or grieving or helping to find survivors or others who need be identified.
God is awesome like that and He is walking and picking up the pieces already in Oklahoma making it easier to continue life in a broken world.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Is it something were born with?
Is is something God gave us?
Is it from the devil?
Is is just because we're human?
None of the above answers help someone suffering from depression.  It only keeps them in a circle of webs seeking the truth.
The one answer which does help is
Its normal to feel the way u do when...has happened to u.
A hand to hold us when we're lost is an amazing thing but can we all be a hand? Or are there some who always take bc they know nothing else?